An international community in the Center of Amsterdam. Have a look at the site and feel welcome to come along! Click here for the route.
An international community in the Center of Amsterdam. Have a look at the site and feel welcome to come along! Click here for the route.
On Oct. 10, 2020, a young Italian named Carlo Acutis was beatified at a special Mass in the city of Assisi, putting the late teenager just one step away from sainthood. He will be declared a saint in april this year.
Acutis died of leukemia in 2006, at the age of 15. Like other boys his age, he was avidly interested in computers, video games and the internet. He was also a devout Catholic who went to Mass daily and persuaded his mother as well to be a regular attendee. One of his pet projects was designing a webpage listing miracles across the globe associated with the bread and wine consecrated at Mass, believed by Catholics to be the body and blood of Christ.
You can visit the exposition Monday to Friday from 11 to 19.00
Saturday and Sunday after the Masses in the church. The exposition is in Dutch with an English translation.
April 17, Maundy Thursday, Missa in coena Domini at 17.30 h
April 18, Holy Friday, Passion of the Lord, Adoration of the Cross and holy Communion at 15.00 h
April 19, Easter Vigil, with baptism of adults, at 21.00 h.
April 20, Sunday of Easter, at 11.30 h Solemn Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 20, Sunday of Easter at 13.00 h with the Surinam Community
April 20, Sunday of Easter at 18.00 h, Holy Mass in English
April 21, Monday of Easter at 11.15 h, and no evening Mass.
On weekdays the entrance to The Holy Mass is at the right-hand side of the church, nr 218B.
Monday to Friday at 12.15 am and 7.30 pm in the chapel, entrance nr 218 B (Dutch)
On Friday evening, the 7.30 pm Mass is in English, and the international students lead the adoration.
Saturday at 6.00 pm (in English with Gregorian chant)
Sunday at 11.15 am (Dutch), 1.00 pm (in Dutch), and 6.00 pm (in English).
Eucharistic Adoration
Click here for the complete Mass times and hours for confessions.