Sunday, 08 December 2024

Onze lieve heer, vader God, Zoon en Heiilige Geest, Amen,
Aub, Geef mij voorspoedig Gerechtigheid BB, dat ik in het Nieuwe jaar, daar tot mijn recht mag komen, stabiele team en goede leider Amen.
Aub, Geef mij voorspoedig Gerechtigheid BB, dat ik in het Nieuwe jaar, daar tot mijn recht mag komen, stabiele team en goede leider Amen.
Saturday, 30 November 2024

Oracao por toda minha familia. Meu grupo de oracao Servos do AMOR . Pelas familias do mundo inteiro. Pelos doentes , pelos pobres e todos aqueles que ninguem rezam por eles . AMEM
Mitzi Acott
Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Asking got blessing of comfort as I go through this day when my mom passed and went home to be with God. Bless me to take away the selfishness of wanting her here. Bless me to be happy for her .
kristine stabrawa
Saturday, 23 November 2024

In the name of our Lord God Jesus Christ i pray to Mother Mary for you intercession to Jesus joined by the Arch angels all Saints and angelsnof GOD, Padre Pio, my guardian angel, st philonena st dymphna st jude to go to our lord and ask He cover my husband Mike, Mother Elizabeth best friends family and all who need me or are veing affected in these multiple crisis , in His blood. BEGING FOR GRACE MERCY MIRACLES DIVINE INTERVENTION for safety protection and solutions without haste in his time , guide me on what to do and when to do and clear all from our paths so many . with You Lord all things are possible. please know my heart when words fail. AMEN AMEM AMEN
Lucy Kingdon
Wednesday, 20 November 2024

God, thank you for this beautiful community. May you strengthen their faith and bless them in every way. Amen.
Sunday, 03 November 2024

Édesanyámért, akit 82 éves korában magához szólitott a jóisten. Mama hiányzol minden nap, nagyon szeretlek. Istenem, fogadd magadhoz hűséges szolgádat aki annyit szencedett életében. Mindörökké, ámen.
Emiliyana Monica Joseph
Thursday, 31 October 2024

Tomorrow would be the first day of my job. I pray and thank the almighty for blessing my work , workplace, collegeaues. I also thank god for helping me complete my University successfully.
Amen Ave Maria praise the lord
Amen Ave Maria praise the lord
Maria snijders
Monday, 28 October 2024

Voor de zorgvolle situatie vh volk van Georgië,
Lucili Picanco Vasconcelos
Friday, 25 October 2024

Nossa Senhora , primeiro quero expressar meu agradecimento pela Sagrada Família existir e nos mostrar o caminho da verdade . Eu humildemente peço para que oriente a ter sabedoria inspirada na luz divina em cada passa, cada palavra e cada escolha na minha vida , e que eu possa sempre ajudar quem esteja ao meu lado . Afasta todo o mal do meu marido , de mim e de nossa filha. Amém !
Sunday, 20 October 2024

For our spiritual awakening, may the Holy Sprit bless us with stronger faith.